Sunday 29 July 2012


 This is the view from the roof of the house. Only one peak to be seen here, but this morning we briefly saw a ring of them
 This is himself with the most necessary accessory for Nepal. He is in front of the house we are currently in.

 These are two views of the INF complex from our language classroom. The top one shows the admin centre and the bottom one part of the school. As you can see there is much lush vegetation around and a good area for the students to play in.
Off to church in the new kurtaa suruwaal with the fabulous bag, which is much to special to carry veges home from the markets in!

Sunday 8 July 2012

July 8th
We are down to the last few days -- four more sleeps.
The tenants are in the house and we hope the cat is going to settle with them.
We have had lots of goodbyes to say-- Ken's pottery friends and  gardening clients, Alison's colleagues.
On Sunday 1st July there was a lovely commissioning at Eastview Baptist and we have had several smaller gatherings where people have taken the opportunity to say farewell. Today we were at Franklin Baptist with Jess and saw some old friends there.

After the service on 1st July we had a family lunch with all of our children and their families. As it is school holidays and there are two family birthdays we have had several other meals and outings together as family. The grandchildren have been practising their Skype skills--- and grandma and grandpa have been making sure they can operate it too!

All of this has been a huge encouragement to us.

We leave Thursday at midday and arrive Kathmandu Friday midday their time (six o'clock Friday evening NZ time).

We hope we will soon have everything in place so we can keep in contact with you all.