Saturday 8 December 2012

Kathmandu and Lakeside

 These are all shots from or of Godavari. They were making red clay bricks in this kiln. There were several we could see from the hotel and many more that we passed in the Kathmandu Valley. The bricks go in the bottom of the kiln (that red wide base around the chimney) and the fire is also in there. The view of the resort shows one of several buildings all fairly similar. The site was on quite a slope so there were steps up or down wherever we went.  You can see the room we had was not unlike a similar hotel in NZ.

 These are two pictures of the hill before Kathmandu. The first one shows the density of the traffic, so you can see why if there is a breakdown it is liable to hold traffic up. In the lower picture they grey are right at the bottom of the picture marks the end of the road with the steep drop immediately below. It was taken from the bus looking hard down. Not much room for error.
 Well, do you think the one on the left looks a little like a Christmas tree. You might be able to see the decorations near the top.
 Rice paddies now planted the cauli etc. See the standing rice on the ones in the foreground.

 Two river scenes from the bus. The lower one seems to be where two rivers join and head off to the left together.
 We hope you can see the cargo atop the bus- 3 goats. We followed them for ages. We also saw school children on top of a bus and more school children crammed into a ute, including riding on the tail board that was open.

 These are pictures of Fewa Tal. The top one was taken on a previous trip but shows the Peace Pagoda across the lake. We came from a different direction but were dropped off near the orange building on the shore and walked up to the pagoda. (Nice to be the one with the camera for a change!)
 This is a view from part way up the track looking back towards Lakeside. We had come from the arm to the right of the picture. The island in the foreground has a hindu temple on it. When we took the children out we paddled the boat right around the temple and then back to shore to the left out of the picture.
 Onwards and upwards.
The view from the top looking to the south of Pokhara, pretty much on the outskirts of town.