Saturday 15 June 2013

Around Pokhara

This was some hot tar sealing that we came across on our walk to the Mountain Museum. All the 40 gall drums were belching black smoke and later in the day when we returned from Lakeside by taxi, we could see the smoke in the distance. At least there was some kind of mechanical mode to transport the hot tar. They usually just boil the stuff in the drums and spread it all by hand. The guys doing the sweeping and raking had tools with long handles too- another first.

These are all shots of the International Mountain Museum. We did a recce there one Sunday, and last Thursday I took the class for a picnic there.  This is the main path from the parking ground to the cafe, or should I say Clayton's cafe- we had trouble even buying a bottle of water.

A model of Mt Manaslu- which has a top that looks suspiciously like Fishtail. There is a path up that the kids all climbed. In the foreground is a yak.

The museum itself. We went through in August. It has got lots of Hillary memorabilia and information and some great models of the mountains. Probably should go back and have another look at them now we have been amongst them.

We did not pay to go into the museum with the children (quite expensive) so I directed activities from the lovely shade of this gazebo, while the parents walked around and did treasure hunts etc with them! It was an absolute scorcher of a day too.

A memorial to all those who have lost their lives climbing in the Himalayas.