Saturday 18 August 2012

Pokhara 3

 These are photos of our time in Begnis Tal. The lake on the Thursday in the rain reminded us of Milford Sound with the whisky clouds around. Some of the row boats were out on the lake, the occupants using their umbrellas as a shield against the rain.

 These two photos could almost be placed side by side to give a panoramic view. This was the scene from the third floor of the hotel on  Friday morning. The government fish farm is in the foreground and of course the Annapurna Range in the background. You will notice Maccaphuchre which you will also be able to spot in the picture from our roof further down.
 Community washing at Begnis Tal.
 This buffalo was one of four who thought they would graze the green patch. The wall on the right of the photo is the garden wall directly below our deck.

 These are shots of our house. The kitchen unfortunately has only one window that opens and is a U shaped kitchen, so a bit low on ventilation. Ken is busy grilling our cheese and tomato sandwiches for Sunday lunch in his new Nepali trousers. We really enjoy the door that opens to a little back Juliette balcony from the dining room. Our first job in the morning is to open it to let as much cool air in as possible.
This was the view from our roof top on Wednesday morning. We can't take photos from our deck as the power wires intrude, but we can see most of this from there.

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