Saturday 25 May 2013


At Naudana. Ken and Dinesh waiting for Shree.

Not long until he came up from his house to lead us down.

Looking down to where we had the school picnic.

This is where our meal was cooked. There were tree branches stacked at the end of the verandah outside ready for the fire.

Someone was glad that bideshi are fussy eaters.

These are the buffalo that provided the yoghurt and milk. Taste was different from cow's milk but quite pleasant.

A  view from further up the road. Hope you can see Lakeside at the top end of Fewa Tal.

This was the view on the opposite side of the road as we walked back to catch the bus. You should be able to pick out buildings at Dhampus on the skyline. We stayed in Dhampus the last night of our ABC trek.

As we walked past a row of houses on the way home we saw a woman cleaning fish, no bigger than sardines, a man knotting a fishing net and this woman spinning. Much harder than our way. She turns the handle with one hand and holds the wool with the other. She was producing fine, even wool.

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