This was the view back towards Pokhara, but it was quite hazy and misty even at that hour of the morning.
A cup of tea! All organised and nearly ready by the time the slow bunch got to the house. This was the lady who was 59 and had 15 children.
Onwards up the path. In general it was a good path, just one or two really steep bits that did not have steps cut into them. Locals were going up and down in jandals with loads of varying sizes on their backs.

The onward route up to the final peak.
We met a group of ten or 15 women coming down all similarly laden or with a bundle of firewood tied to their backs. One girl broke her jandal and fell as we met them. They were laughing and enjoying themselves and once they passed us several of them ran with their loads.
This part of the track could have been NZ with all the ferns growing.
Pausing on the way up. I waited here while the others went on.
The final ascent. Barbara counted the steps for us. This site was a kings stronghold in times pat.
The view from the top was panoramic, but unfortunately not clear with the haze. However it was the highest point for some distance and possible to see all the surrounding country for the full 360.
These two picture were taken while we were waiting for our lunch to be served. We watched the red bus climb up the hill at quite an alarming angle. It had people on the top too. The 'hotel' was being extended and built from the shack where we had lunch. Chanman took his hand at the saw.
This is a view near the top of the hill as we made our way back up to the summit before descending to Garambesi.
Inside the home of the pastor.
"Show me your magic teeth!" Shrison's boy who came with us on the trip.
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