Saturday 29 September 2012


 These shots were taken as we went up the road to Sarangkot. The first one is  the north eastern corner of Pokhara. We should have had a view of all the mountains, but of course they were hidden by cloud. The bottom photo is a little more to the north and shows the Seti River. Somewhere down there too is the road we will take in two or three weeks when we set out on our trek to Poon Hill.
 The point at the top is the viewpoint from where the mountains are viewed, particularly at sunrise. The lodge where we stayed was just below this viewpoint but on the other side of the ridge, so although it was raining we thought we would walk up to it the next morning. We got fairly well towards it, up great big concrete steps when we were stopped and asked to pay a fee for the privilege. Seeing it was so foggy we declined and went back down. When we took this photo we had already been climbing about 20 mins from where the taxi dropped us off and you can see we still had a fair way to go.
 This is the dining room at Superview Lodge and we had just finessed a lovely meal. They were very busy renovating the dining room in preparation for the season. Had clearly finished the walls and the lighting, but had still to sort out the tables, chairs and do something about the floor.

These pictures were taken before breakfast on Sunday morning, before the rain set in for an hour or two. Those of you who know Pokhara may recognise the large building in the middle of the top picture. We understand it is a hospital that has been shut down because of staffing issues. The Sarangkot ridge runs along the left hand side of the picture.

We lingered over breakfast until the worst of the rain had stopped, however there was still a slight mist in the air as we started down the paved walkway to the bottom . Half an hour to Lakeside. Yeah Right!

 Beautiful green terraced rice paddies were all over the side of the hill as we descended.
 This is not a NZ shot- but it could be.

 More rice paddies, with Lakeside in the distance.  We finally (after about 2 1/2 hours) got to  the road  somewhere in the middle of the trees to the right of the picture.

One of the houses on the way down-- perhaps better looking than many.  Ken noticed a TV aerial stuck high on a bamboo pole above a house with one wall of blue tarpaulin.

Fellow travellers on the path.
Sorry, it has taken me all this time to realise I could have the pictures this size!

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