Friday 12 October 2012

Pokhara Update

 At the risk of boring you -- this is part of the view from our rooftop. We have three shots which we hope we can get printed as a full view of the Annapurnas, but this is the left most shot. The close hill to the left is the bottom of Sarangkot. Now the monsoon is over the mountains are often very clear like this.

 These are two shots of Fishtail Lodge on the night we went for dinner. The top is the view as we were being pulled over in the barge. You can just see the rope in the water. The boatman coils this ever so neatly at his feet. The second one is us at dinner. Sue is sitting beside me. Hard to see in the photo but we could see the lights of the "mainland" twinkling across the water.
The following pictures are all of the class trip, first to Fishtail Lodge and then later on  the main part of Phewa Tal.
 This barge is identical to ours without the canopy and is being used to ferry all the supplies over.

 The treasure hunt in progress. My TA keeping them occupied while I laid the trail and then the children gathering round to read the clue together.
 This is part of the path along the lakeside. These are not the boats we went out in.
 Elevenses at one of the pupil's places. What a special part of the day that was, to be able to be there rather than in an open public park.

 All views from the paddling trip around. The children all had their turn at pedaling the boat along, so I had to have a try to. Part way round we realised one of the smaller girls was terrified. There is a small pool of water underneath the pedals and she thought we were sinking. As soon as we had that sorted out and explained she was able to enjoy the trip.

These are all photos from our first day shopping in Pokhara. This is the main street, Chippledunga. It was our first experience of buying vege etc and haggling about the prices etc. Seems a long time ago now. (That is probably the worst lot of rubbish we have seen in our whole time here.)

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