Thursday 25 October 2012

Poon Hill Trek (1)

 As promised- a picture of all the gore. Note the effect right down to the knee. Katelyn was in her early attempts to staunch the flow. The second shot was the following day and in slightly happier circumstances.
 This is earlier shots of Bhurungdi Khola en route from Birethanti to Ulleri.
 More from the same route. As you can see at this stage it is vehicle accessible.

 This was the view from our bedroom window at Ulleri the next morning. This is Annapurna South and Huin Chuli. If we do the Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) trek at Christmas as planned we will get up to 4130m almost directly behind Huin Chuli.

 These are shots from the second day, Ulleri to Ghorepani. The horses are walking up some of the 3000 stone steps that we climbed and later we saw the donkeys coming down from Ghorepani on a less steep section of the track.
 This part of the walk was largely in the shade of the rhododendron trees and so was relatively cool, compared to the heat of the exposed track the day before.

 Ghorepani- or rather Lower Ghorepani. After a visit to the medical centre(out of picture to the left) we had a short sharp climb to our hostel a little way further up.

 These are all views from Poon Hill the following morning. We left the hostel in the dark at 5 and climbed for almost an hour to get to Poon Hill where we joined hundreds of others. It was a beautiful morning though and our efforts were well rewarded.
The little white thing at the top of the hill is the tower on top of Poon Hill where many people stood to see the sunrise. We climbed more than four hundred metres back down to the hostel for breakfast and then nearly as high on our onward route before we took this photo.

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