Thursday 25 October 2012

Poon Hill Trek (2)

 These pictures are of the deep gorge we walked through descending from Ghorepani to Tadapani. The yellow colours are autumn leaves.
 We reached Ghandruk about 5 in the evening and this is Annapurna South and Hiun Chuli just before we entered the village.
 This is Annapurna South from the hostel in the very early morning. The little hump stuck on the right hand slope of the mountain is Annapurna 1.
 This is the old Ghandruk Village.
 The paved trail leading from Ghandruk to Syauli Bazaar. Flat here, but ever so steep later on.
  Rice fields en route to Syauli Bazaar. On the opposite side of the valley is Tolka.
 The river below marks our destination for the night. A very steep descent!!
 View from our outdoor dining room at Syauli Bazaar.
My style of walking. En route from Syauli Bazaar to trek end at Birenthanti. 100m drop is about 5 kms,

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