Saturday 3 November 2012

On the way to Garambesi

 Bruce and Evelyn en route to Garambesi. As you can see not much room between the seats.
 Starting the walk. We got off the bus at Baisjagar  and then set off through our first rice paddies down towards the river.

 The swing bridge. As you can see it is well constructed. Two men from the village carrying our packs (2 each) in front, with Chanman and Shrison at the back.
 Now you can see the load they carried for us!
 More rice paddies. This field seemed to be getting fairly close to harvest.  You can get some idea of how tall it was. Below is a later shot from nearer the village, but is shows you the kind of path we had to tread. There is a junction of two paths in this picture, which make it appear slightly wider.

 Resting on the way up.

 These two pictures are very close to our destination. I think these houses would be included in the loose term of Garambesi. Our destination was a little further on than those houses in the distance.

The welcoming party as some of you will realise, outside the church.

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