Friday 23 November 2012

Sarangkot and Garambesi

 These are two shots of our walk up Sarangkot. The paths here is quite mild compared to the first part which is in and out of the trees. As you can see though it is a fairly steep drop down to Lakeside.  We reach/leave flat land on the left hand end of the right hand group of trees near the shore.
 Looking to the top from about 2/3 way up. The red and white building at the top is where we spent the night with John and Jan some weeks ago. We can see it from our house too. The shot below is looking more directly towards Pokhara than Lakeside, and is another ridge on the mountain. When we walked down with Jan and John we walked somewhere among those rice paddies there.

 We did enjoy watching the gliders. As we walked up and down we frequently noticed their shadows passing over us. There were more in the sky that day, but that was all we could fit into the shot.
 The palagi and the Laughing Brothers.

 Chanman, firstly pointing out the route to his family land and then standing on the border of the land.
Note the rice stack near this house on the route.

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